Source code for success_backup_check.__main__

import argparse
from success_backup_check import __version__, read_config, set_logging, hdd_smart_test, check_backup, \
    archiv_files, send_mail
from os import path, makedirs
import logging

[docs]def get_parser(): """ Creates a new argument parser. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('success-backup-check') version = '%(prog)s ' + __version__ parser.add_argument('--version', '-v', action='version', version=version) parser.add_argument("--config", dest="config_path", default="/etc/success_backup_check.conf", help="Path to config file") return parser
[docs]def main(args=None): """ Main entry point Args: args : list A of arguments as if they were input in the command line. Leave it None to use sys.argv. """ parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args) # setup minimal logging set_logging.main() # load config conf = read_config.main(args.config_path) # setup normal logging set_logging.main(logging_level=conf['Logging']['log_level'], log_file=conf['Logging']['log_file']) # backup files backup_dirs = dict(conf.items('BackupDirs')) for key, value in backup_dirs.items(): backup_path = path.join(conf['Server']['ArchivDir'], key) # check if backup_path exists & create it when necessary if not path.exists(backup_path): makedirs(backup_path) # check if backup_path is a directory if not path.isdir(backup_path) & path.exists(backup_path): waring_text = '%s no directory or not exists' % backup_path logging.warning(waring_text) send_mail.send_simple_message( conf, waring_text, waring_text) else: # move the backup files if conf['Server']['mode'] == "active": archiv_files.archiv_files( value, backup_path, conf['Server']['file_typ'] ) # check if the backup directory is outdated if not check_backup.check_backup(backup_path, conf['Time']['days']): msg = 'Backup "%s" is out of date, please check if the backup run correctly!' % key send_mail.send_simple_message( conf, "Warning: Backup is out of Date!", msg) logging.warning("Mail was send reason: %s is out of date" % key) # HDD SMART test hdd_smart_test.main(conf)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()